Lower Decks Gives Dr. Migleemo His Crowning Moment of Awesome

Published:Sun, 05 Nov 2023 / Source:https://www.cbr.com/star-trek-lower-decks-dr-migleemo-best-moment/

Few characters on Star Trek: Lower Decks are as goofy as Dr. Migleemo. The Cerritos' ship's counselor is a six-foot highly intelligent parrot from an as-yet-unmentioned avian species, and is there to provide psychological and emotional support for the crew during the long voyages typical of the Star Trek franchise. Unfortunately, he's not very good at his job, despite a friendly demeanor and a jacket with leather patches on the elbows. Lower Decks has used him as a ready source of humor, combining unearned authority and useless advice into a number of funny moments.

