The Lowest Prices on Super Mario Wonder, The Crew Motorfest, MK1, and More!

Published:Tue, 5 Sep 2023 / Source:

Busy sort of morning for me, so let's get right into the good stuff. Things worth mentioning specifically: Activision is celebrating 25 years of Spyro today with some discounts, and I'm sitting here wondering how it's been a quarter of a century since I first dragon-horn-butted and/or immolated my first sheep. Lastly, I've also spotted a decent Rebellion sale for PC gamers, and Tears of the Kingdom is back to its lowest pricepoint, too. Throw some rupees at that, for sure.

This Day in Gaming

Aussie birthdays for notable games and hardware

- Ghost Recon: Island Thunder (XB) 2002.

- Call of Juarez (PC) 2006.

- Mercenaries 2 (PC,PS3,X360) 2008.

Table of Contents

Nice Savings for Nintendo Switch

Expiring Deals From Yesterday

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Purchase Cheaply for PC

Expiring Deals From Yesterday

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Exciting Bargains for Xbox

Expiring Deals From Yesterday

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Pure Scores for PlayStation

Expiring Deals From Yesterday

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Adam Mathew is our Aussie deals wrangler. He plays practically everything, often on YouTube.

