Star Trek: Defiant Highlights Worf’s Greatest Sacrifice

Published:Wed, 27 Sep 2023 / Source:

Star Trek: Defiant #7 is the latest issue in IDW’s sprawling universe of comics that boldly go where no spin-off has gone before. The current arc, "Day of Blood," crosses Defiant with the simply titled Star Trek and features immortal veterans like Spock, Scotty, and Worf teaming with fan-favorites such as Benjamin Sisko, Ro Laren, and Beverley Crusher. Together, they battle to stop Klingon Emperor Kahless II’s bloody plans for goodhood from coming to fruition. But at the center of a conflict as big as the universe itself stands one confined to a single family. Star Trek: Defiant #7 (by Christopher Cantwell, Angel Unzueta, Marissa Louise and Clayton Cowles) sees Worf confront Kahless to end his violent campaign, only to be stopped by Alexander Rozhenko, who is Worf’s son.

