How To Choose a Laptop: What to Look for in 2023

Published:Sun, 8 Oct 2023 / Source:

The best laptops are incredibly varied, with each device touting its own unique features to complement your on-the-go lifestyle. So, choosing a perfect laptop can take a good amount of consideration. For example, you might have some deal breakers concerning where you want to use your computer and what you want it to run. There are plenty of things to think about to ensure you’re getting a machine that will support you long-term.

TL;DR – This is how to choose a laptop:

As more brands and unique takes on portable computing release every year, it can be easy to get swept up in proprietary technology and marketing jargon. Thankfully, we’ve collated everything to look out for when choosing the best laptop to suit your needs.

Operating System

While there are far more than just two operating systems available, the most popular laptops on the market run on either MacOS or Windows, both offering their own quirks and benefits. Whichever you prefer, it’s important to take stock of what programs you intend to use, ensuring the laptop you want is actually compatible with them. Some hyper-specific programs associated with certain types of work or university courses can require specific operating systems to run. Making sure you keep an eye out can save the heartache later.

There are, of course, ways to change the base OS of your laptop using emulators like Boot Camp for MacBooks. Though, they can be a hassle to set up if you only need them for one program. Even so, there are still options if your heart is set on a particular brand’s system and you don’t want to compromise.


Specific apps and programs (especially the best PC games) have certain CPU and GPU requirements to run smoothly, so it’s important you pay attention to these needs when shopping around. In the most simple terms, the CPU or central processing unit is effectively the computer's brain and will dictate the efficiency of your everyday tasks, whereas the GPU or graphics processing unit concerns itself with rendering and the overall visual performance of your computer.

While it can be easy to get bogged down in the nitty-gritty of both of these key components, the best advice is to consider what you want to use the laptop for.

If you want to game on the road, looking into one of the best gaming laptops with dedicated high-end GPUs would be a great place to start. However, if you are just after a portable device to browse the web and use Word or Google Docs, an average CPU and GPU combo would work fine.

An easy way to find what you need is to search for the apps and programs you use regularly and check their specifications to understand whether a below-average CPU or GPU will bottleneck your performance. If you’re concerned about futureproofing your laptop, shoot for higher specs than you currently require, but don’t push the boat out too far, as technology is always evolving.

Apple, naturally, does things a little differently, recently making the move to use its own proprietary chip called Apple Silicon. Certain apps will be optimized for this new tech and maybe run even better, though not everything has moved to support M1 and beyond. For example, a program may run on MacOS, though it may not be optimized for Apple Silicon. It’s good to watch out for curveballs like this when contending with Apple products if you have a need for specific apps.


While you’re shopping around you may see a 256 GB storage solution and think that is enough for your needs. It looks like a lot on paper, but it is important to note that some of this built-in storage will be taken up immediately by the operating system, and eventually, the app data from your most used programs. 512 GB or 1 TB could save you some heartache down the line and future proof your purchase. External storage is always available if your day to day workflow tends to feature heavy-duty files, or 4K HDR photos and videos. This can also be useful if you want to store programs or games on an SSD so it doesn’t fill up your base storage system, but regardless, it’s always annoying when a drive fills up, so it’s best to be prepared.

Ports and accessories

Investing in a laptop with a good quality webcam can make a huge difference to how you communicate on the go, especially since programs like Zoom, Google Meet and Discord have become important parts of our daily lives over recent years. You’ll likely find anything from 720p to 4K on the market, with different brands boasting unique approaches to lighting and custom FOVs (field of view). Settling for anything less than a 1080p resolution can feel like a step-down from the norm, and you don’t want to look like a grainy potato during the all-hands.

If you’ve been keeping up with the keynotes, you’ll know that Apple is finally transitioning towards 1080p webcams in the company’s best MacBooks, which makes them a great option. However, if you are already in the Apple ecosystem and are considering bagging a bargain and buying an older model of MacBook, you can utilize Apple’s Continuity Software to turn your iPhone into a high-quality webcam.

Accessories are also a huge part of how convenient your laptop can be to use, so the ports available on the machine are an important consideration if you’re planning on plugging in a bunch of headphones, external mice or storage solutions. If you’re someone who prefers the quality of line-in headphones, then you‘re going to want to make sure that the laptop has a 3.5mm jack, as this isn’t always a guarantee.

The good news is that if you’re dead set on a laptop with limited ports, then there are USB Hubs you can purchase to extend the number and variety of inputs and outputs. Freedom is only a dongle away.

Battery life and design

Ergonomic bag or not, the size and weight of your laptop can make the difference between smooth daily commutes and a chiropractic bill at the end of the year. If you’re out and about and plan to use your device across airports, libraries and cafes, you want it to be a comfortable carry.

If you’re checking out the laptop in person, don’t hesitate to put it through its paces. Have a go on the keyboard and trackpad to ensure it’s comfortable for your hand size. While it may seem like overkill, you’ll be typing on the computer for years to come, so you’ll want something that actually feels good to use. If you’re browsing purely online, read and watch some reviews to get an idea of how the product performs and ages over time.

Laptops are built for portability, and while you may have access to charging hubs at offices, cafes and student halls, having a solid battery life can save you some annoyance when you get caught out in situations where wall socket availability is slim. In the specs of each laptop, they’ll market the company’s idea of the product’s battery life, and your mileage may vary. We’d always recommend checking out some battery tests and reviews before jumping into the purchase, as battery life can vary quite dramatically from the spec on occasion, depending on how you actually use your laptop.

With all this in mind, it’s also worth considering how battery-intensive the apps you want to use will be. Where casual browsing and the Office 365 suite are fairly light on the battery, heavier programs like PC games can be more costly on the go, so you’ll need to consider something with a beefier battery. Most laptops on the market will be able to get through a day of casual use without too much worry, though smaller-size laptops will likely leave you with less to work with day to day.

