Speed Force #1 Review

Published:Thu, 16 Nov 2023 / Source:https://www.cbr.com/speed-force-1-review/

Wally West has found himself rather preoccupied in the pages of his main title. He has been pulled away from his fellow speedsters, thanks to mysterious new "glitches" in his powers and the appearance of a sinister new threat. Luckily, Wally West is far from the only speedster that Keystone and Central City citizens have to protect them. Wallace West and Avery Ho, Kid Flash, and the Flash of China, respectively, joined the fastest family of heroes alive long ago and have journeyed through being Teen Titans, Justice Leaguers, and more. Wallace and Avery are more than eager to pick up the speedster slack while Wally is indisposed. Speed Force #1, written by Jarrett Williams with art by Daniele Di Nicuolo, colors by Andrew Dalhouse, and letters by Simon Bowland, puts the spotlight on two of the younger speedsters as they forge their own path, battling foes and saving who they can along the way.

