Humble’s $18 Warhammer 40K book bundle is the perfect chaser for Space Marine 2

Published:2024-09-18T19:47 / Source:

If your time spent with Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 has left you thirsty for more lore surrounding the Warhammer 40K universe, Humble is happy to abide. You can get a bundle of 24 books recounting the deeds of some of the most venerated chapters of the Adeptus Astartes (also known as Space Marines) for just $18. All of the books are available in both .ePUB and .MOBI file formats, allowing you to enjoy them via your browser, or by downloading them to your favorite e-reader.

While this bundle doesn’t feature much literature on successor chapters like the Astral Hawks, its two dozen titles focus on some of the most famous chapters of the Space Marines. Whether you’re interested in the enigmatic psykers of the Grey Knights, the stealthy tactics of the Raven Guard, or the feral warriors of the Space Wolves, there’s probably a title in the bundle for you.

Humble always sends a portion of each bundle sale to benefit a nonprofit — in this case, your purchase will support the EveryLibrary Institute, a foundation that works with public and school libraries to fight book bans and censorship across the United States. Just remember you can always use the “Adjust Donation” drop-down menu to fine-tune how much goes to the publisher, the charity, or Humble.

