Get The LEGO Horizon Forbbiden West Tallneck Set for Just $52.99 This Black Friday

Published:Fri, 24 Nov 2023 / Source:

Black Friday is well and truly underway. And while you all still shuffle through your day full of turkey and mashed potatoes, you can at least feel comforted by the knowledge that you don't even have to move to take advantage of some stellar deals.

Unsurprisingly, one of the best brands out there for Black Friday savings is LEGO. Don't get me wrong, their building sets are great, but if you take LEGO seriously as a hobby, then it's likely that you're going to sink a whole boatload of money into it. Well, Black Friday is here to help lighten the load on your straining wallet.

One of our favorite LEGO building sets, the Horizon: Forbidden West Tallneck, has just had a big old discount applied to it over on Amazon. If you grab it now, you can get it for just $52.99. Considering it usually sells for about $90, that's a very tasty discount.

See More Black Friday LEGO Deals

This isn't our first rodeo, we know there are far more LEGO sets out there that you want to check out this Black Friday. So, here you go. Feast your eyes on this massive selection that we've handpicked for your shopping pleasure. Don't say we never do anything nice for you.

Best Buy LEGO Deals - Black Friday 2023

Walmart LEGO Deals - Black Friday 2023

Amazon LEGO Deals - Black Friday 2023

