Daredevil: Black Armor #1

Published:Wed, 29 Nov 2023 / Source:https://www.cbr.com/daredevil-black-armor-1-review/

It seems that everything old is new again, with the classics of Marvel Comics' not-so-classic era being revisited, among them one of the most iconic Daredevil runs of the last century. Written by classic-era Daredevil veteran D.G. Chichester, with pencils by Netho Diaz, inks by JP Mayer, colors by Andrew Dalhouse, and letters by VC's Clayton Cowles, Daredevil: Black Armor #1 retreads old ground by bringing the Man Without Fear back to the 90s. Chichester picks up where his 1993 Daredevil storyline, "Fall From Grace," left off, with Murdock faking his death and picking up a new identity -- and spiffy black costume -- to fight crime on his own terms.

