What Is Star Wars' Most Elite Stormtrooper Unit?

Published:Wed, 02 Aug 2023 / Source:https://www.cbr.com/star-wars-elite-stormtrooper-unit/

In the minds of moviegoers, the Imperial Stormtrooper from Star Wars is one of the most recognizable faces of evil. This image is exactly what George Lucas intended, modeling them and the rest of the Galactic Empire after the unified armed forces of Nazi Germany in WW2. Stormtroopers symbolize death and destruction, serving as the common footsoldier in the Imperial Army. Though Stormtroopers have also grown famous for being terrible shots, fans should not perceive them as inept soldiers. Stormtroopers only miss the main characters in the original trilogy because obviously, if any of them were to get hit, Star Wars would have been a fast set of movies.

