Did Marvel's Phase 4 Prove That Less Is More?

Published:Sat, 27 Jan 2024 / Source:https://www.cbr.com/marvel-phase-4-too-much/

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is cinema's most detailed and extensive universe to date. As of 2024, the MCU has released about 33 movies and is all set to churn out more in the next few years. How was the MCU able to handle such impressive farsightedness and an elaborate plan to bring it all together? There's never really a proven formula for how a franchise, especially a superhero one, can hold it together for the long term without saturating the audience. In Marvel's case, the existence and popularity of comic book characters served as a solid foundation for the cinematic universe to kick off, followed by good content and on-point casting. When the first Iron Man movie came out, the fandom was convinced that this was the beginning of something epic, and fortunately, the audience got entertainment worth their money. Not only did the MCU usher the world into comic hero-dominated cinema, but it proved that superheroes are the new way to earn big bucks in Hollywood.

