Xbox Controllers are Down to Just £35 at Amazon

Published:Wed, 3 Jan 2024 / Source:

Happy New Year everyone! We hope that you all had a very lovely festive period. Getting back to normal life can feel like a real adjustment after nearly two weeks straight of just eating cheese. One thing that always makes the new year feel better though is deals deals deals. The Boxing Day and New Year's Day flash sales have passed us by but there are still savings to be found in plenty of places.

One of those places is Amazon, where you can currently get a new Xbox controller for just £35. Considering that it's usually pretty rare to pick one of these up for less than £60, you should be moving on this deal before it ends. There is no such thing as having too many controllers.

The new year may have rolled around, but some of our favourite deals from the end of 2023 are still kicking about. The last few weeks have seen an abundance of Xbox deals, so if you've been waiting for a sign to get your hands on a new console, you now have one. Pick up a Series X for £360, or if you want something a bit cheaper and smaller, the Series S is available for just £210. No matter which console you want, you can make a saving on it if you snap it up now.

