The Lord of the Rings Valar, Explained

Published:Fri, 26 Jan 2024 / Source:

The Valar were some of the most powerful beings in the universe of The Lord of the Rings. 14 divine spirits served the will of Eru Ilúvatar, the god of J. R. R. Tolkien's writings. They technically were not gods, but the inhabitants of Middle-earth usually treated them as such, and they acted much like the mythological pantheons of the ancient world. There were originally 15 of them, but the most powerful Vala — Melkor — fell to evil and became the Dark Lord, Morgoth. Though the Valar were all creations of Ilúvatar and came into existence at roughly the same time, they had differing familial relationships with one another. 12 of the Valar were married pairs, and some of the Valar were siblings of others. In the section "Valaquenta" from The Silmarillion, Tolkien outlined the personalities, histories, and roles of the 14 Valar.

