7 great games under 5 hours long to play this weekend

Published:2024-09-15T15:00 / Source:https://www.polygon.com/what-to-play/450384/best-short-games-nintendo-switch-windows-pc

A bird-like creature standing on the ledge of a mountain in A Short Hike.

There are only so many hours in a day. As best as one might try, it can be difficult to keep up with the deluge of new titles that are released every month, let alone the latest hundred-hour action RPG or always-online service game. Luckily, there’s just as many fun — and most importantly, short — games out there to choose from whether you prefer playing on your mobile device, console, or computer.

We’ve polled the collective brain trust of Polygon’s most ardent short-game enthusiasts to bring you a selection of the best games you can play and enjoy in under five hours. From recent indie hits to critically acclaimed classics, there’s a ton of great games you can lose yourself in without eating up all your free time.

