Overwatch 2’s new throwback mode promised to recreate the glory days of playing Mercy in 2017, but to everyone’s surprise, it actually recreated the living hell of playing Mercy just before her peak in 2017.
When Overwatch Classic: Moth Meta went live on Tuesday, people were hoping to return to a period of the game where Mercy was in charge. It was called Moth Meta because she could swoop in and instantly resurrect fallen allies with her reworked Valkyrie ultimate ability. But instead of recreating the version of Mercy from what many understand was the peak of Moth Meta in 2017, Blizzard chose a patch from a few months before she really took flight.
“If this is a Moth Mercy patch, why is this a nerfed Valkyrie?” asked one Reddit user who pointed out the discrepancies in Overwatch: Classic’s version of the hero. Mercy was at her strongest just after the October 2017 patch, when her rezzes were instant and Valkyrie gave her a bonus rez. In the new mode, Mercy is how she was in September 2017, when Valkyrie only reduced the cooldown on rez. And for some reason, her rez has a short cast time, a change that didn’t happen until later. Overwatch: Classic also doesn’t include the bug that allowed Mercy players to pop into the air — a mechanic Overwatch 2 made official.
As a result, Mercy isn’t anywhere close to the peak of her power, which sours the mode’s entire premise. Doomfist players, however, are thriving. The hyper-mobile hero is back to terrorize matches as a damage dealer instead of his current role as a tank in Overwatch 2. Every Mercy player hoping to super-jump out of his way is getting squashed by the hero’s rocket-powered gauntlet. It’s not a Moth Meta, it’s a Doomfist Meta.
Players are sharing clips of Classic’s Doomfist flying across rooftops to take them out just like old times. The hero was notorious for landing on you out of nowhere and generally being a nuisance to unsuspecting players. Unlike any other Overwatch hero back then, he gained health by using his abilities, making him extremely hard to deal with once he got going. With Overwatch: Classic, a whole new generation of players are getting to discover what it’s like to be a Doomfist’s prey.