31 Days of Halloween: Why Swamp Thing #40 is the Greatest Werewolf Story Ever Told

Published:Wed, 18 Oct 2023 / Source:https://www.cbr.com/31-days-of-halloween-swamp-thing-werewolf-story-dc/

With its character-shattering retcon, abandonment of Comics Code Authority approval, and prescient eco-activism, Saga of the Swamp Thing is rightly remembered as one of the greatest comic book runs of all time. Over 44 issues, Alan Moore—joined by John Totleben and Steve Bissette—crafted poetic tales of existential angst, body horror, and dark spirituality. The crowning achievement of this celebrated run is the American Gothic arc. Boasting the first appearance of the complex and problematic John Constantine, the arc sees Swamp Thing confronting horror stalwarts across America as an apocalyptic conspiracy draws into focus. With each traditional monster that he utilized, Moore introduced a fresh twist to their existing mythologies, often presenting the definitive portrayals of these horror mainstays.

