How Marvel Comics Fans Forgot That Secret War Was Brian Michael Bendis's Best Event

Published:Sun, 13 Aug 2023 / Source:

Brian Michael Bendis has become a legend in the comics field. His first big work was Torso, a gritty late-'90s Image crime comic about a real-life murder case Elliot Ness investigated. He wrote Sam And Twitch next for Todd McFarlane and the excellent cop drama set in the Spawn universe got him noticed at Marvel. 1999 and 2000 were very important years for Marvel. Editor-in-chief Bob Harras was on his way out and Joe Quesada was about to take over. They were building a whole new Marvel and as a favorite of Quesada's, Bendis was on the inside track. He became the writer for Daredevil and, more importantly, Ultimate Spider-Man. Suddenly, Bendis was a star.

