Just in time for the holidays, Hit Point Press is making its acclaimed Dungeons & Dragons supplements Humblewood and Heckna! pay-what-you-want. Get cozy this winter playing as denizens of the magical forest of Humblewood, or be creepy as you push past the glitz and glamor of a whimsical dark carnival to uncover the secrets of Heckna.
Humblewood, which raised over $1 million during its Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign, is an award-winning 5e-compatible setting that has players act as birdfolk or other anthropomorphic animals called Humblefolk to save the woods from an all consuming elemental fire. The book is dense and rich with lore, and formatted with art direction that feels cohesive alongside traditional D&D books. While the setting was originally made with the original D&D 5e rulset in mind, this downloadable copy of the text comes with an update to make Humblewood compatible with D&D 2024 rules — and it’s also available to play on D&D Beyond.

The strongest features of this setting are the unique species presented in Humblewood. From the range of bird-inspired species that sit at the top of the hierarchy, to all the four legged critters that crawl the forest floor, each species feels lovingly crafted to bring out the real-life animal inspiration’s folkloric qualities like wisdom or cleverness. And don’t let the cozy tag fool you, since the lore of the world feels as comprehensive as any D&D plane with a cosmology and a culture fit for a cartoony animal kingdom. The adventure that comprises the second half of this tome is more complex than one might expect, drawing in themes of ecology and socio-political complications worthy of exploration.
Heckna! is a bit of a darker departure from Hit Point Press’ cozy forest creatures, luring adventures into the darker part of the woods with glittering lights and tantalizing performances of The Revalia. A setting guide and adventure for characters up through level 10, Heckna! draws on inspiration from Victorian sideshows, hiding a darker underside beneath its pun-filled, carnival-esque exterior. Ringleader Heckna craves attention and admiration, and as a disease called Clown Corruption spreads it’s way throughout the carnival, the players must decide how to fight against this never-ending circus, or become part of Heckna’s performance.

Whichever path through the forest you choose, cozy or creepy, Hit Point Press is running a fireplace stream to put in the background of game night, or any holiday gathering. Both Humblewood and Heckna! are available digitally on HitPointPress.com