How to Clean Your Keyboard in 5 Easy Steps

Published:Wed, 6 Sep 2023 / Source:

Our keyboards go through a lot. In fact, they sometimes double as a plate when we’re munching on our favorite snacks while using our computer. Because of all the junk, dirt, grime, and bacteria they gather, it is very important to give them a good clean once in a while, (especially if you invested in a high-end gaming keyboard). Not only can it be gross to not clean, but it also negatively impacts the keyboard’s functionality. You should aim to clean your regular mechanical keyboard or gaming keyboard at least once a month and deep-clean it around once every two months, or as needed. Although there are various cleaning kits out there for computer accessories which can assist with the below instructions, we recommend the following steps for the deepest clean.

What you will need:

  • Soft-bristled brush (Buy here)
  • Canned air (Buy here)
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Keycap puller (Buy here)
  • Dish soap
  • Water

How to Clean a Keyboard

Step 1: Thump the underside

The first, most basic step is to disconnect your keyboard from your computer, switch it off, turn it upside down, and thump its underside really well. Gently tap different parts of the underside and make sure to keep switching the keyboard’s angle so that you get the debris from all of its keys.

Step 2: Grab a brush

There’s a chance some junk is still hiding in there. For that, you need to grab a brush. You can choose to buy a special keyboard cleaning brush or basic keyboard brush kit, or just get your hands on any old toothbrush or baby bottle brush. Gently run the brush through your keys and pay extra attention to where you see stubborn leftovers of your week-old Cheetos. This is such a satisfying step!

Step 3: Use canned air

If your keyboard is generally well-kept, chances are the last two steps are going to be enough. If that’s not the case, get a can of compressed air. Insert the nozzle between the keys and use it to blow out the dust and debris. Be prepared for a lot of dust to come at you and try to do this outside of your house; or else, you’ll simply be displacing the dust in your keyboard onto your desk. Once you’re done blasting your keys, repeat the first step. Some junk that didn’t come out then may have greater chances of coming out now.

Step 4: Get wiping

If you still see some grime on your keycaps, get a microfiber cloth and spray some isopropyl alcohol on it. Make sure to not spray the alcohol directly onto your keyboard as there is a chance of the mist getting into the keys or other crannies which could impact performance. Once your cloth is damp (don’t spray too much), use it to gently wipe your keycaps. Give the stubborn spots a little extra loving. Wrap the cloth around your finger and use your fingertip to get the persistent stains. While you’re at it, wipe the rest of the keyboard chassis too. Remember to get rid of all the alcohol and wipe the keycaps dry before you turn your keyboard on.

Step 5: Give your keycaps a good wash

This step is for really determined stains. If you have a mechanical keyboard and still see junk on your keys, get a keycap puller to remove the keycaps. Make sure to take a picture of your keyboard before you perform surgery on it so that you know which key goes where. Once all the keycaps are out, put them in a glass of water with some dish soap mixed in it. Use a cloth or a sponge to give them a good clean. Since they’re not attached to the keyboard anymore, feel free to apply pressure on the stubborn spots.

Once they look brand-new, use a dry cloth to wipe them thoroughly. Ensure that the keycaps are as dry as they can be before you push them back on. The way to do this is aligning them with the scissor spring underneath and pressing down with your finger until they snap back into place.

That's it! We’re sure your keyboard looks as good as new right now. To make sure it always looks like this, try to be regular with your cleaning. More importantly, be careful about how you treat it on a day-to-day basis.

Dua is a freelance tech writer for IGN and has been hooked on technology since she was a kid. When she isn't obsessing over the latest gadgets, Dua spends her time working out, playing the uke or reading.

