Lightning Bolt Is One Of Magic: The Gathering's Best Cards

Published:Mon, 09 Oct 2023 / Source:

There are a few cards in Magic: The Gathering's history which nearly any player can recognize on sight. There are fewer cards that even a new player could fully understand at a glance. There are even fewer cards that combine ease of use, iconic status, and a perfect match of flavor and function. In a game where new cards are constantly played and printed crystallized in amber through dozens of reprints, Lightning Bolt is still the best Burn spell ever printed. The few formats in which it sees play showcase why Bolt will never see printing in standard, because of its ruthless efficiency married to Swiss Army knife-like versatility. Bolt has etched itself into the history of Magic with the speed and impact of its namesake. Despite this, it may be overlooked compared to the more complex or flashy cards, especially by newer players.

