Darth Mace Windu Is A Terrifying Prospect

Published:Thu, 12 Oct 2023 / Source:https://www.cbr.com/star-wars-darth-mace-windu-next-level/

When it comes to fan art and concept art re-imagining a Jedi into what they would look like on the Dark Side, the results almost always look good. There's something intriguing about changing the calm, virtuous, and white robed Jedi into dark, edgy, and more emotional versions of themselves. It's such a shame that LucasArts closed down in 2013 because there were plans to take those ideas into reality with Star Wars: Battlefront 4. Taking place in an alternate Star Wars universe, several iconic characters from the prequel and classic trilogy were going to be reimagined into their Dark or Light Side versions.

