Star Trek: Discovery's Final Season Can Address Paul Stamets Biggest Failure

Published:Thu, 14 Sep 2023 / Source:

The forthcoming fifth season of Star Trek: Discovery will be the series' last, meaning the story arcs that began in 2017 will come to a close. The characters on the series have all exhibited growth from Michael Burnham's journey to the captaincy to the rest of the crew jumping into the future to save all life in the galaxy. However, the chief engineer of the USS Discovery's spore drive, Commander Paul Stamets, failed to live up to a key Starfleet ideal in Season 3, and the show should address it before the end. One complaint fans had about Star Trek: Discovery is how the characters don't act like Starfleet officers as fans know them from other series. This is in part because their captain in Discovery Season 1 was a Mirror Universe villain.

