Ahsoka Premiere Review

Published:Tue, 22 Aug 2023 / Source:https://www.cbr.com/ahsoka-premiere-review/

Few Star Wars characters have seen their relationship with canon and fandom evolve quite like Ahsoka Tano. Ahsoka was not particularly popular when she debuted in the 2008 Star Wars: The Clone Wars movie. Longtime fans seriously disliked Ahsoka, with criticism toward Anakin Skywalker's then-retconned alien Padawan ranging from her being a rash, irritating youngster at best and Jar-Jar Binks 2.0 at worst. It would take until at least season 3 of The Clone Wars TV show before fans came around to Ahsoka, gradually recognizing her worth as a powerful Jedi and the key to understanding Anakin's eventual turn to the Dark Side. An appreciation that only grew as Ahsoka (voiced by the wonderful Ashley Eckstein) matured with each new Star Wars entry, from Star Wars Rebels to The Clone Wars' final season, and eventually Rosario Dawson's live-action portrayal of Ahsoka on The Mandalorian.

