How The Bad Batch Used Clone Wars Nostalgia to Devastate Fans

Published:Wed, 03 Jan 2024 / Source:

Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 2 proved to be a devastating heartache -- in a good way-- for fans of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The third episode of the season, "The Solitary Clone," used a form of dark nostalgia to put fans in a familiar position of rooting for their clone heroes, only to be left with a feeling of betrayal. The episode continues the series' trend of highlighting the clones as the spearhead of galactic oppression. The first season made this point with clones being ordered to oppress their former allies, the Twi'leks of Ryloth. While a sense of heroism still lingers within these soldiers who are too good for the Empire, the fact remains that fans must witness their valor used against the freedoms they used to protect.

