Dark X-Men #1 Review

Published:Sun, 20 Aug 2023 / Source:https://www.cbr.com/dark-x-men-1-review/

After the events of Dark Web earlier this year, the Limbo Embassy in NYC was established as a sovereign entity. After the devastation brought against mutantkind at the Hellfire Gala, this makes the Limbo Embassy one of the few places left on Earth safe for mutants. Madelyne Pryor is the Queen of Limbo and rules over the embassy. Madelyne has spent her life fighting for what she views as just, and what Orchis has done to mutantkind cannot be allowed to stand. Knowing the mutants left scattered across the globe need help now more than ever, Madelyne sets out to bring the aid they so desperately need. Dark X-Men #1, written by Steve Foxe with art by Jonas Scharf and Nelson Dániel, colors by Frank Martin, letters by VC's Clayton Cowles, and design by Tom Muller and Jay Bowen, brings together a fiendish group of X-Men.

