Hickman and Schiti Reveal More Secrets About Their Upcoming Epic, G.O.D.S.

Published:Fri, 25 Aug 2023 / Source:https://www.cbr.com/marvel-gods-jonathan-hickman-valerio-schiti-secrets-revealed/

Jonathan Hickman is famous in the world of Marvel Comics for the way that he reshapes entire universes of comic book series during his runs, from the Fantastic Four to the Avengers to the X-Men to his current work with the Ultimate Universe in Ultimate Invasion. Beginning in October, Hickman and star artist Valerio Schiti will be turning their eye on the Marvel cosmos with the epic series, G.O.D.S., which will reshape Marvel's cosmic galaxy of characters as the series will show the conflict between THE-POWERS-THAT-BE and THE-NATURAL-ORDER-OF-THINGS, who are opposite forces that tie into familiar cosmic beings in the Marvel Universe, like Eternity, Infinity, and the Living Tribunal.

