Tales of the Jedi Can Inspire Tales of the Rebellion

Published:Fri, 29 Dec 2023 / Source:https://www.cbr.com/tales-of-the-jedi-inspire-rebellion-show/

The Star Wars galaxy is home to a whole host of fascinating stories ripe to be explored, and as of late, they're focusing their attention more on limited series than they are on films. By doing this, they're expanding the breadth of the stories they can tell, as audiences can spend more time getting to know these characters and their world simply because the shows have inherently longer runtimes than the movies. This only grows more prevalent when considering multi-season shows such as The Mandalorian. Additionally, they're able to experiment more with the format of shows, even going so far as to incorporate aspects of anime via Star Wars: Visions, which was met with remarkable acclaim. Breaking from an established formula is wildly popular among audiences, and allows for fresh viewing experiences, thus preventing franchise burnout (which has become frighteningly widespread in the modern era).

