Get the Lord of the Rings box set for its lowest price of the year on Amazon

Published:2025-03-03T13:02 / Source:

I’m convinced that New Line Cinema will continue to release new collector’s edition box sets (with exceedingly outrageous price tags) of Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy until the sun sets on the age of man. But, there’s really only one box set you need you need to own, and right now, you can pick it up for its lowest price of the year at Amazon. The 9-disc box set typically costs $64.99, but right now you can pick one up for just $49.99.

A couple of new box sets have arrived since this definitive trilogy hit shelves back in 2020, and while they may contain different bits of ephemera and baubles aimed at particularly rabid collectors, the content is otherwise fairly identical. Inside you’ll find both the theatrical and extended cuts of the three films spread across nine discs, in addition to a modest collection of bonus features. All told the box set weighs in with a little over 19 hours of content, a worthy quest for any fellowship.

