Loki Team Debated Whether to Include Fan-Celebrated Tandem Bike Shot in Episode 3

Published:Tue, 24 Oct 2023 / Source:https://www.ign.com/articles/loki-team-debated-fan-celebrated-tandem-bike-shot-episode-3

Warning: This article contains full spoilers for Loki Season 2 Episode 3, which is now streaming on Disney+.

Loki Season 2 director Kasra Farahani, who helmed the third episode, has revealed that the team had an internal debate over whether or not to include the revered shot of Loki and Mobius on the tandem bike.

Episode 3 follows Loki and Mobius to the 1893 World's Fair in Chicago, where they're in hot pursuit of Victor Timely and Ravonna Renslayer. Mobius finds a two-seater bike and encourages Loki to join him. Though he is initially resistant to the proposal, a scene further along reveals that Loki succumbs to the suggestion.

The blink-and-you'll-miss-it shot of Loki and Mobius riding in tandem was an instant hit among fans, with many calling for an extended version of the scene to be shared online. Farahani, however, has confirmed that an extended cut of the episode showing more of Loki and Mobius' bike-riding adventures does not exist.

"Even the [deep background] shot that we do have of them arriving on the bike, we really went back and forth on whether we wanted to do that because it almost is better in our imaginations," Farahani told The Hollywood Reporter. "The potential for that to happen is almost better than any way it could ever be executed."

Farahani and co may have tried to make the tandem bike ride inconspicuous by pushing it to the back of a scene, but nothing gets past the fans. It became one of the episode's most celebrated moments, and that's saying a lot, considering there was also a big Thor comics Easter egg and the tease of a big Renslayer secret.

We're currently at the halfway point of the season, meaning only three episodes remain, including the finale on November 9. There will likely be more hidden gems and mysteries to discuss in the coming weeks, so keep watching closely and don't forget to check out IGN's review of Loki Season 2 Episodes 1-4 here.

Adele Ankers-Range is a freelance entertainment writer for IGN. You can follow her on X @AdeleAnkers.

