How to Clean Your Computer Monitor

Published:Thu, 28 Sep 2023 / Source:

Computer monitors get dirty pretty fast! They’re excellent magnets for dust, dirt, fingerprints, and the occasional grime. A dirty monitor impairs your viewing experience and allows for germs to gather, posing a risk as well. This is why it’s important to regularly clean your computer monitor just as it's recommended to clean other tech and accessories on and around your desk; (don't forget to clean your mousepad!) Also, it’s very easy to focus on just the display and ignore the rest of your monitor’s body. But you don't need to make that mistake if you give your entire monitor a good clean at least once a month. If it's been a minute since you've cleaned or dusted off your monitor, let us walk you through how to get your computer monitor looking brand new again.

What You Will Need

  • Microfiber cloths
  • Distilled water
  • Cleaning solution (screen cleaning spray or white vinegar)

How to Clean Your Computer Monitor

Step 1: Unplug and turn off your monitor

The very first thing you need to do of course is turn your monitor off and unplug it from the sockets. This is a crucial step to ensure safety. Also, a black screen is helpful for making the dust stand out and makes cleaning easier.

Step 2: Grab a microfiber cloth

Next, use a microfiber cloth to gently wipe the body. Make sure to get all the specks of dust and wipe the tougher spots a little firmly. Be firm only where required, especially on the display. It is not recommended to use any paper towels or tissues for wiping, as they can be harmful to your monitor’s screen.

Step 3: Get some (distilled) water

If you believe your monitor still has the potential to look better, get some distilled water. Remember to only use distilled water, as tap water may contain unseen minerals that can damage your monitor’s display.

Spray some water on your cloth and get wiping. Do not spray the water directly onto your monitor, as it might drip and enter a crevice in your device. Make sure to wipe your entire monitor thoroughly. In addition to the display, pay attention to its buttons, base, back, and cables too. Don’t forget to unplug the cables before you clean them.

Step 4: Get those cleaners out

Chances are you’re probably satisfied with the result of the last step. But if your monitor is still being stubborn about some of its grime, get a screen cleaner for the display and any non-abrasive cleaner for the rest of the monitor. Spray the screen cleaner on your cloth and gently wipe your screen in circles.

You can use a regular cleaning solution for the rest of the chassis, but you have to make sure it doesn’t come in contact with the display. Cleaning solutions contain chemicals that can be extremely damaging to the screen, so don’t take this warning lightly. Spray the cleaner onto your cloth (NEVER on the monitor) and gently wipe. For crevices that are hard to reach, you can wrap a corner of the cloth around your finger to access them. If you don’t have cleaners lying around or you want to avoid chemicals, see below:

Alternative to Screen Cleaner: White Vinegar

Mix white vinegar and water in a 50-50 ratio and use it to dampen your cloth. Then wipe your monitor gently with it. You can use this solution for the display as well as for the rest of its body.

Step 5: Dry your monitor

Use a dry cloth to wipe your monitor dry. If you have another microfiber cloth that isn’t wet, use that for the display. It’s best to also let it air dry for a while before turning it back on. Make sure there isn’t any residual moisture left on your device.

That's it! These simple steps can make your monitor look like it just came out of its box. Try to be as regular with your cleaning as you can. It not only improves your experience but assists with optimal performance too. Dust tends to block the vents on a monitor, thus, blocking airflow and causing heat up. So, it’s very important to give it a good wipe once in a while.

Dua has been hooked on technology since she was a kid and used to spend all of her spare time reading product reviews online. Today, she contributes to IGN among other tech publishers.

