The first season of Prime Video's The Wheel of Time, a fantasy epic based on the popular series of novels by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson, premiered in 2021 with a story of five young people departing their isolated mountain village to meet their respective destinies. As the show enters its second season, one of these characters has been revealed as the Dragon Reborn, fated to save or destroy the world, but each of the others will be faced with threats and drastic changes of their own. Nynaeve al'Meara, who was the oldest of the villagers to leave the Two Rivers, is now at the White Tower to learn to train her ability to channel the One Power and become an Aes Sedai. Displaced from her former leadership role, Nynaeve continues to struggle with her relationship with her protégée Egwene al'Vere, as well as romantic feelings for Lan Mandragoran, a Warder sworn to protect and magically bonded to another woman.