Two PC Freebies, Wheel Good Deals for Sim Racers, plus More!

Published:Thu, 12 Oct 2023 / Source:

Thank your own personal deity—possibly Zeus—it's Friday! Today's overriding bargain theme is fine prices on force feedback devices. That's great timing because a long-awaited Forza has recently arrived on Xbox. Alternatively, you PSfolk can drift towards a very reasonably priced Gran Turismo 7. In case I don't see you, stay safe, save often, and catch you Monday!

This Day in Gaming

Aussie birthdays for notable games and hardware

- Pokémon Gold/Silver (GBC) 2000.

- Mario Party 2 (N64) 2000.

- Suikoden V (PS2) 2006.

- Sonic 4: Episode I (PS3,X360) 2010.

- Dead Rising 2: Off the Record (PC,PS3,X360) 2011.

- The Evil Within 2 (PC,PS4,XO) 2017.

Table of Contents

Nice Savings for Nintendo Switch

Expiring Deals From Yesterday

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Purchase Cheaply for PC

Expiring Deals From Yesterday

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Exciting Bargains for Xbox

Expiring Deals From Yesterday

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Pure Scores for PlayStation

Expiring Deals From Yesterday

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Adam Mathew is our Aussie deals wrangler. He plays practically everything, often on YouTube.

