Regieleki in Pokémon Go is a legendary electric-type, first appearing alongside Regidrago in Pokémon Sword & Shield’s “The Crown Tundra” expansion, becoming the latest members of the legendary titans, alongside Regirock, Registeel, and Regice.
If you’re on the hunt for the best Regieleki counters to take down this electrifying legendary Pokémon in raid battles, you’ve come to the right place.
Regieleki first made its debut in Elite Raids in April 2023, and is making its latest appearance as part of the Max Out Finale event, which runs from Nov. 27 to Dec. 1, 2024. During this time, you’ll be able to battle Regieleki in standard five-star raids, where it will also have its shiny debut.
Regieleki weakness
Regieleki only has one weakness, and that’s ground-type attacks.
This does limit your options quite heavily, but it also makes choosing a raid team pretty easy, as you simply need to round up the strongest ground-type Pokémon in your collection.
Regieleki best counters

Here are some of the best counters to take down Regieleki in Pokémon Go:
- Primal Groudon with Mud Shot and Precipice Blades (or)
- Mega Garchomp with Mud Shot and Earth Power
- Therian Forme Landorus with Mud Shot and Sandsear Storm
- Excadrill with Mud-Slap and Scorching Sands
- Mamoswine with Mud-Slap and High Horsepower
- Rhyperior with Mud-Slap and Earthquake
- Golem with Mud-Slap and Earthquake
- Krookodile with Mud-Slap and Earthquake
Primal Groudon and Mega Garchomp are the top counters for Regieleki, as they both have sky-high Attack stats and great movesets for targeting electric-type raid bosses. However, since you can only have one Mega or Primal active at one time, you have to choose between one or the other. However, all of the Pokémon recommended above will be excellent options for your team.
If you don’t have any of the counters we’ve suggested, simply choose your highest-level ground-type Pokémon and give it your best shot. The more trainers you compete alongside, the better your chances of winning, so find as many players as you can to help back you up.
Finally, know that Ground-type attacks are boosted by sunny/clear weather, so if the sun is shining in your real-world location, you might have an easier time defeating Regieleki.
Regieleki best moveset
Regieleki’s best moveset for raids and gyms is Thunder Shock and Zap Cannon. Both of these moves will get a same-type attack boost (STAB) and can dish out decent damage, but be aware that there are quite a few superior electric-type attackers in the game, such as Zekrom, Xurkitree, and Magnezone.
If it’s trainer battles you’re interested in, know that Regieleki doesn’t have a place in the current meta (and it’s unclear if it ever will), so it remains a Pokédex filler for now.
Is Regieleki shiny in Pokémon Go?
Shiny Regieleki made its Pokémon Go debut as part of the Max Out Finale event in Nov. 2024, which means you now have a small chance of encountering one after defeating it in a raid.
Like any other shiny Pokémon, finding a shiny Regieleki will require a mix of luck and persistence, as the chances of encountering one are fairly slim. Best of luck out there!