Timeless 2023 Review

Published:Thu, 28 Dec 2023 / Source:https://www.cbr.com/timeless-2023-review/

The close of the year brings with it Marvel's Annual release of Timeless #1. Timeless is a new one-shot from Marvel Comics that gives obscure glimpses at some of the major stories that will be hitting shelves next year. This year, the issue's main story takes place in a possible future of the Marvel Universe, brought about by a conquering Khonshu. As the Immortal Moon Knight prepares Earth for Khnoshu's ascension, the last living hero in the Marvel Universe -- Power Man -- stands in his way. Timeless #1, written by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly with art by Juann Cabal, colors by Edgar Delgado, and letters by VC's Travis Lanham, is an epic one-shot issue that teases the future of the Marvel Universe.

