Okinawa Rush Is A Hidden Gem Of The Beat 'Em Up Genre

Published:Thu, 02 Nov 2023 / Source:

Although the beat 'em up genre has been largely ignored by triple-A studios, it has continued to thrive through retro-inspired indie games. Most indie beat 'em ups attempt to recapture the spirit of arcade classics like Double Dragon and Final Fight, leading to nostalgic experiences for those who grew up with the genre. However, apart from recent hits like Streets of Rage 4 and River City Girls 2, recent beat 'em ups struggle to reach the same level of success due to their reliance on retro gameplay tropes and the genre's niche appeal. Okinawa Rush is another example of a beat 'em up that fell under the radar for most people, but its fast-paced action and evolutions of old-school ideas make it a criminally underrated gem.

