Will Luke Skywalker Appear in Star Wars' Heir to the Empire Movie?

Published:Wed, 13 Sep 2023 / Source:https://www.cbr.com/luke-skywalker-appearance-heir-to-the-empire-movie-star-wars/

Ever since the fateful day that Ahsoka Tano name-dropped Grand Admiral Thrawn in The Mandalorian, fans have long expected an adaptation of Timothy Zahn's classic Star Wars Legends novel: Heir to the Empire. But if Dave Filoni is directing an Heir to the Empire movie, he is inevitably going to run into a massive problem with Luke Skywalker. Before the character showed up in Lucasfilm's Disney+ series, fans accepted he'd be replaced if the story was adapted. Now, however, there is an expectation for the Jedi to appear therein, perhaps in a prominent role.

