That Time Russia's Own Superhero Team Fought the Avengers AND the X-Men Over Magneto

Published:Fri, 14 Jul 2023 / Source:

Magneto is one of Earth’s most dangerous and feared villains of all time. More than just the arch-nemesis of the X-Men, Magneto has proven himself to be an adversary to all of humanity. There are no limits to what he'll do to ensure his victory over Homo sapiens and usher in the age of mutants. While Magneto frequently battles the X-Men, sometimes Magneto’s violence earns the ire of entire nations. After Magneto caused havoc and destruction in Russia, the country's super team bid their time devised a plan to apprehend the Master of Magnetism for his crimes. Not even the Avengers and the X-Men could dissuade Russia or its heroes from their revenge mission.

