Story Of Seasons: A Wonderful Life Makes The Original Harvest Moon Better

Published:Sat, 02 Sep 2023 / Source:

When Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life released in 2003, even diehard fans of the series knew the title brought change to the series. Putting more emphasis on relationships -- and even making the player marry during the first in-game year -- satisfied gamers who played the Harvest Moon games for their social element. The relatively small cast of bachelors and bachelorettes stood out from each other, with Nami's mysterious standoffishness, Rock's carefree facade, or Cecilia's good-natured, helpful attitude all doing their part to attract players. Notably, the other NPCs felt more complex, and chasing down Van to give him eggs, for example, was rewarding in its own right. A Wonderful Life did an excellent job at breathing, well, life into its unique cast of characters.

