All starmetal locations and weapons in Avowed

Published:2025-03-07T10:41 / Source:

“Forged of Star-Stuff” is a side-quest in Avowed that requires you to find a blacksmith capable of using starmetal fragments.

Each time you interact with a blacksmith, they’ll tell you the only blacksmith who can craft a weapon using the material is in the Solace Keep in Galawain’s Tusks. However, Galawain’s Tusks is the last major zone, so you’ll need to hold on to your fragments for quite a bit.

Here’s how to start the “Forged of Star-Stuff” side quest in Avowed, where to find all of the starmetal fragments, where to find the starmetal blacksmith, and which weapon you should choose.

How to start ‘Forged of Star-Stuff’ in Avowed

To start the “Forged of Star-Stuff” side quest in Avowed, you’ll need to find and collect one of the starmetal fragments scattered around the Living Lands. The first starmetal fragment you can encounter is at the Godless Altar in the southeastern region of Dawnshore.

Below, we’ll detail where to find all starmetal fragments.

All starmetal fragment locations in Avowed

There are four starmetal fragments hidden around the Living Lands, with one in each of the major zones.

Dawnshore starmetal location

The Dawnshore starmetal fragment can be found at the Godless Altar in the southeastern region of Dawnshore. Head southeast from the Emerald Stair Gatehouse Beacon to find a small altar guarded by Xaurips. Once you’ve defeated them, collect the starmetal fragment on the altar.

Emerald Stair starmetal location

The Emerald Stair starmetal fragment can be found in a cave just south of the Rolling Crags Party Camp. Head to the southern point of the smaller water source on the map to find the entrance of a cave. Head inside to find the starmetal fragment on the floor.

Shatterscarp starmetal location

The Shatterscarp starmetal fragment is a little trickier to find than the others. It’s located inside the Abandoned Mine, to the north of Thirdborn. It has its own hidden entrance.

First, travel to the Ancient Lakebed South Beacon and follow the path to the north, but focus your attention to the wall on your right to spot an opening to the Abandoned Mine. Climb up the terrain along the wall and head inside to enter the Abandoned Mine.

Once inside, head up the ramp to the second floor and climb the ladder on the wooden platform. Jump across to the opening ahead of you to find a destructible wall. Break the wall and follow the path to the top to find a path to the left and right.

Follow the path to the right and climb up the terrain to the elevated path. Continue along the path to find the starmetal fragment on the ground beside a tree.

Galawain’s Tusks starmetal location

The Galawain’s Tusks starmetal fragment can be found at the center of a crater in the Ash Forest, which is located in the northwestern region of Galawain’s Tusks.

Be wary as this area is the home to Destul, a powerful undead bounty target.

Starmetal blacksmith location in Avowed

The only blacksmith capable of using the starmetal fragments is Forgemaster Dela in Solace Keep, the main settlement of Galawain’s Tusks. To find him, enter the Solace Keep and go down the stairs behind the statue in the center of the room. Forgemaster Dela will be standing in the center of the room just in front of the anvil statue.

Before you give Dela the starmetal, you should interact with all of the blacksmiths in the major zones and ask them about the starmetal fragments. You may be able to swindle your companions out of some skeyt!

Should you choose the starmetal arquebus or sword?

There is a clear answer as to which weapon you should choose, and.. it’s both! If you acquire all four starmetal fragments, you can get both the arquebus and sword, as well as their upgraded versions.

You don’t have to settle for one or the other, but, as they’re different weapons, they’re suited for different builds. Here’s what each weapon — along with their upgraded versions — offers in terms of stats and enchantments:

Moonstrike (arquebus)

Moonstrike stats

  • 308 physical damage
  • 280 stun
  • 25 stamina cost
  • 3% critical hit chance

Moonstrike enchantments

  • Ondra’s Scorn: Power attacks deal moderate frost accumulation to nearby enemies
  • Freezing Lash: Hits deal +10% bonus frost damage

Heavenstrike (upgragded arquebus)

Heavenstrike stats

  • 431 physical damage
  • 364 stun
  • 25 stamina cost
  • 3% critical hit chance

Heavenstrike enchantments

  • Same enchantments as Moonstrike

Meteor Blade (sword)

Meteor Blade stats

  • 120 physical damage
  • 100 stun
  • 11 stamina cost
  • 3% critical hit chance
  • 23 block efficiency
  • 150 parry efficiency

Meteor Blade enchantments

  • Lamenting Flurry: A full combo attack gives the hit enemy -20% damage for 15 seconds
  • Freezing Lash: Hits deal +10% bonus frost damage

Ondra’s Offense (upgraded sword)

Ondra’s Offense stats

  • 141 physical damage
  • 110 stun
  • 11 stamina cost
  • 3% critical hit chance
  • 24 block efficiency
  • 150 block efficiency

Ondra’s Offense enchantments

  • Same enchantments as Meteor Blade
